Guido Ferrara was given a prestigious nickname by the members of The Industrial Union of Naples: “The poet of pasta”, as an award in relation to his passionate expertise in combining craftsmanship and white art, using the most advanced technological industrial resources, improving the final quality of the product.
The art of making pasta, one of the most important and thriving business in the Campania region, dates back to over a hundred years old tradition for the Ferrara family.
The most ancient and precious gifts of nature, durum wheat flour and water give birth to a typical Italian food, envied all over the world. An advanced but true to the original features industrial process gives life to a product of intense flavor, delicate fragrance and warm gold colour: “La Pasta Ferrara” a real pleasure.
How does the production process take place?
The selected durum wheat flour is unloaded from the tankers in the 14 storage silos of our factory.
Then the flour is promptly analyzed and if it meets our quality standards it is channeled to the mixer and water is added. The dough obtained is pushed by a worm screw towards the dies and then it turns into pasta shape.
The procedure becomes more difficult at the “dying” process. Its performance determines the main chemical – physical and organoleptic characteristics of the finished product. That is… the flavor of pasta.
Il percorso diventa più delicato con il processo di “essiccazione”. Dal suo andamento dipendono le principali caratteristiche chimico – fisiche e organolettiche del prodotto finito. Insomma …il sapore e la bontà della pasta.
The path continues towards the packaging area where the pasta is wrapped in the appropriate 500g bags, which are put immediately after into the carton boxes with the shrinkwrapper.
The boxes are then arranged through the palletizer on different pallets which are brought by the LGV (laser guide vehicles) to the automatic warehouses for the storage of finished product, ready to be loaded and shipped all over the world.
Our organic flours arise from a Made in Italy agriculture that uses the natural fertility of the land and avoids synthetic products or fertilizers.
It is strictly stone milled and this process makes possible to preserve all the nutritional principles of the cereals, since they are not eliminated as a waste. The resulting flour is then healthier, rich in nutritional substances and easily digestible.
The introduction of an organic variety has been designed for the BIO lovers who want genuine and high quality products, as our pasta, although the focus is constantly on the sustainable development of our territory.
Why do we call it “Bio”?
We call it “Bio” because it preserves vitamins, minerals, fibers, noble proteins and cereal enzymes, which make it easily digestible and more nutritious. Not only its flavor is better but it is healthier too.
Moreover the production cycle respects the environment and becomes part of an overall organic vision of the agricultural ecosystem.

The expression “wholemeal” means that semolina does not undergo the refining process used to obtain white flour.
In the wholemeal flour all the parts of the grain – bran, endosperm and germ – are preserved because the grains are naturally milled, together with their external cover. Consequently they have high nutritional properties.
According to a requirement of the Italian Republic, the wholemeal flour pasta is a typical food Made in Italy. The Decree n. 187/2001 states that “The wholemeal durum wheat pasta” is the product obtained through drawing, rolling and drying of a dough made exclusively of durum wholemeal wheat semolina and water.
Let the wholemeal flavor capture you!